ORTAKCILAB is looking for master student(s) for Spring 2021
Assistant Professor Dr. Fatih Ortakci is looking for master students. If you are interested in driving your career towards Microbiology, Fermentation, Microbial Genetics, and BioProcess Development please reach out to me by email at fatih.ortakci@agu.edu.tr
Fatih Ortakci, PhD
Assistant Professor
BioEngineering Department
Abdullah Gul University
Sumer Campus, Kayseri, TR
Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award Announcement at Utah State University official website
Dr. Ortakci was awarded to outstanding graduate researcher of College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Utah State University. Please check out the link https://research.usu.edu/awards/portfolio-items/fatih-ortakci/ for the announcement published in Utah State University official website.