1st International Symposium on Integrated Electronics, Pennsylvania, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, 12 - 17 Mayıs 2002, cilt.2002, ss.369-380
In this paper we present an overview of micro-optoelectro-mechanical systems, (MOEMS), scanning micromirror design and fabrication and describe in detail two large area scanners that we have developed: a parallel plate type and a vertical comb type. The parallel plate employs a lightweight single crystal silicon honeycomb micromirror integrated with a surface micromachined 2D scanner for improved optical flatness, compared to polysilicon alone, and improved response, compared to solid bonded micromirrors. The other is our single crystal silicon micromirror with a novel angular vertical combdrive, (AVC). This micromirror employs a simplified, cost-effective, silicon on insulator micro-electro-mechanical systems, (SOI MEMS), process which features self-alignment of the fixed and moving teeth and is fabricated on a single SOI wafer. For the AVC scanner a resonant mode optical scan angle of +/-18degrees at 1.4 kHz has been achieved.