Urban Commas: Encountering through Confrontation

Can İ., Asıliskender B.

Migration&Societal Change, Utrecht, Hollanda, 22 - 23 Haziran 2023

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Yayınlanmadı
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Utrecht
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Hollanda
  • Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Urban Commas: Encountering through Confrontation

The city is the place where the basic human need for attachment and belonging would meet by providing communication spaces for individuals to unite and form an alliance. Nevertheless, every alliance comes with its oppositions and urban life is the fountain where its inhabitants supply the necessary experience to communicate their compatible and contradictory needs in a healthy manner. Through daily life activities, individuals encounter each other and communicate their individual and societal needs. The embodied nature of social distinctions and the unpredictable ways in which similarity and difference are negotiated at the moment is highlighted by encounters. Therefore, city, hence urban life, is shaped by its users’ societal structures and becomes a structure itself that shapes the society. The key point for this dual relation lies within the interaction possibilities that urban life offers to its inhabitants. One of the basic relationships that a city provides to its inhabitants arises from the coincidental encountering possibilities; the streets in our neighborhood are the places where unfamiliar faces become familiar; city squares gather us as a group of strangers and form us as a union and so on. Research question built on the spatial reflections of societal relations within an urban scene. The basis of any kind of relation roots in communication and communication is more than exchanging words between individuals, rather, it encompasses any and all of the physical characteristics that affect the behavior of individuals. This fact leads to assumptions of the image of city and the urban life that it provides is a tool for mass communication by being a factor that shapes its user’s behavior and identity. The study highlights the importance of experiential communication that consist in urban life to establish a functional society.