2024 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2024, Washington, United States Of America, 21 - 25 July 2024
This study presents machine learning-based dispatch strategies for legacy voltage regulation devices, i.e., onload tap changers (OLTCs), step-voltage regulators (SVRs), and switched-capacitors (SCs) in modern distribution networks. The proposed approach utilizes k-nearest neighbor (KNN), random forest (RF), and neural networks (NN) to map nodal net active and reactive injections to the optimal legacy controls and resulting voltage magnitudes. To implement these strategies, first, an efficient optimal power flow (OPF) is formulated as a mixed-integer linear program that obtains optimal decisions of tap positions for OLTCs, SVRs, and on/off status of SCs. Then, training and testing datasets are generated by solving the OPF model for daily horizons with 1-hr resolution for varying loading and photovoltaic (PV) generation profile. Case studies on the 33-node feeder demonstrate high-accuracy mapping between the input feature and the output vector, which is promising for integrated Volt/VAr control schemes.