Higher Education in Emergencies: Best Practices and Benchmarking, Sengupta E, Editör, Emerald Insight, Leeds, ss.9-23, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated that higher education institutions (HEI) respond quickly and transform their teaching to a remote learning environment. Prior to the pandemic, HEI had already implemented some degree of remote teaching and e-learning. The success of these initiatives depended on the leadership’s decisions regarding their implementation before the pandemic and their rapid implementation during the initial days of the lockdown. This study aimed to assess the level of preparedness and the response of HEI leadership to the health crisis by surveying a global audience of HEI professionals in academic and administrative roles. The results obtained from their responses highlight the areas of success and the concerns if remote teaching will be required in the future. We analyze these findings in the context of the broader implementation of e-learning and remote teaching in HEI.