Control Algorithms for Bosonic Quantum Batteries: Parallel versus Collective Charging

Borisenok S.

7th International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS 2021), Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 23 - 27 July 2021, pp.55-59

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Sarajevo
  • Country: Bosnia And Herzegovina
  • Page Numbers: pp.55-59
  • Abdullah Gül University Affiliated: Yes


Very recently the great progress has been achieved for a new type of quantum devices: quantum batteries (QBs) which are capable to be charged, to store the energy and finally to transfer it to consumption centers and other quantum devices. We present here our theoretical feedback control algorithms for charging Bosonic quantum batteries with two different topologies of interaction between the charger and the battery set: parallel versus collective transfer of energy. The model of QB is composed by non-mutually interacting elements (quantum harmonic oscillators) in a Markovian bath. The charger of such a battery is implemented via the field which controls pumping the energy into the batteries. We study few alternative control approaches to the charging process: Fradkov’s speed gradient, Kolesnikov’s target attractor and Borisenok’s target repeller algorithms to track (i.e. to drive dynamically) the ergotropy and the charging power of the batteries. We discuss pros and cons of these control models for different charging schemes; demonstrate their efficiency, robustness and stability. The proposed algorithms can be applied to other physical types of quantum devices: Dicke QBs and spin QBs.