68. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V., GMDS 2023 - 68th Annual Conference of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, GMDS 2023, Heilbronn, Almanya, 17 - 21 Eylül 2023, cilt.19
Developments in the high throughput technologies have enabled the production of an immense amount of knowledge at the multi-omics level. Considering complex diseases which are affected by multi-factors, single omics datasets might not be sufficient to unveil the molecular mechanisms of heterogeneous diseases. Providing a comprehensive and systematic overview to explain disease hallmarks in significant depth is critical. Utilizing multi-omics datasets has led to the development of a variety of tools and platforms. Machine learning models are utilized in a wide variety of tools to tackle the complexity of disorders and to identify new biomolecular signatures and potential markers. Underlying aspects of these approaches are based on training the models for making predictions and classification of the given data. In this review, we describe current machine learning-based approaches and available implementations. Challenges in the enlightenment of disease mechanisms of onset and progression and future development of the field of medicine will be discussed. The prominence of biological interpretation of model output with corresponding biological knowledge will be also covered in this review.