EGE ACADEMIC REVIEW, vol.16, pp.11-20, 2016 (ESCI)
In this study, association rules analysis of the data mining techniques are used for data of traffic accidents in 2010 and some rules are obtained. With this rules, what is the possibility of accident which resulted anybody injured for "different weather conditions (snowy, rainy etc.)", "where the accidents occurred (street, road etc.)" and "way situations (separated road or not)". Different algorithms are used to analyze the association rules. Apriori algorithm is selected for this study and SPSS Clementine 12.0 is used for this algorithm. Firstly, frequency of items are found. Then, items are grouped. In this study, data preprocessing is done and missing values are filled or rejected. In the second phase, outliers are rejected and data type is converted type of 1-0 (binary). In the third phase, Apriori algorithm is applied and results are evaluated.