Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, cilt.6, sa.1, ss.81-94, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)
In the history of democratic politics, following elections many
triumphant executive politicians proposed tolerance as a cure for
detrimental effects of fractionalization. Moreover, tolerance level in the
society and its level of fractionalization are suggested to have counter
implications for a series of macro-political and macro-economic features,
including level of democracy, quality of institutions and economic growth.
Nevertheless, up to now far too little attention has been paid to
understand the relationship between the two. This research aims to solve
this puzzle and asks the question whether tolerance level of the society
decreases the fractionalization of the voters and the legislative body. This
research used quantitative modes of inquiry to gain insights into this
relationship. A final dataset, which consists of system-level data derived
from Comparative Political Data Set and aggregated individual -level
data extracted from World Values Survey for 12 Western democratic
countries, was used for the analyses of this research. Counter to
expectations, findings revealed that out-group tolerance and
fractionalization of the political party system on both votes and seats
levels are statistically significantly and positively associated.