Characterization of Manganiferrous Iron Ores located in Ceyhan as an Industrial Fe-Mn Mineral Source

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Top S., Kurşunoğlu S., Altıner M., Köken E.

5th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2020), Antalya, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Ekim 2020, ss.180-181

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Antalya
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.180-181
  • Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


Iron and manganese ores are the basic raw materials of the

iron and steel industry. Apart from steel production, they

are used in the production of batteries, glass, fertilizers,

food additives, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and fireworks


Turkish manganese deposits are divided into four main

groups as Hydrothermal-hydrogenetic, black shale-hosted,

occurring in metasomatic, hydrothermal, landlocked

environments, and the ores hosted in oligocene. The

manganese iron ores subject to the study are among the

first group of manganese deposits. Spilite, limestone

and outcrops are seen in the environment. Spilites are

separated in places. The limestone coarse grained and

layered structure overlying the spilites can be seen on rare

faces. Spilites were exposed in the dry stream bed and

where there was no outcrop accumulation. It affected the

sedimentary ore together with the spilites with the thrust in

the northwest-southeast direction and from the northwest

to the southeast, and some fractures were caused by small

faults [4]. The selected ore samples were dissolved in aqua

regia. Then the solutions were analysed by AAS (Atomic

adsorption spectrofotometer). The results show that they

contains approximately 25% Fe and 15% Mn. The mineral

phases were determined by Bruker Discover D8 XRD

(X-Ray Diffractometer) device. It has been determined that

the crystal phase consists of hematite, goethite, manganite,

maghemite, garnet, quartz, calcite, rhamsdellite and

magnesium calcite minerals (Figure 1).

EDS analyzes were performed with the Zeiss Gemini 300

brand scanning electron microscope (SEM) using a dust

sample under 100 μm particle sizes. The sem image and a

point EDS analyses were shown in Figure 2.

XRF (X-Ray Fluoresences) analyzes were also carried out

and it was determined that the results confirmed the XRD

and chemical analysis. According to the classification of the

Indian Mining Bureau, it has been determined that the ores

belong to the manganese iron ores class [5].

Detailed information about the usage areas and production

process of the ore were highlighted and its characterization

was carried out.