Aphrodisias Antik Kenti Alan Yönetim Planı

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Karaman A.(Yürütücü), Aksoyak Ö. D., Erbey Y. D., Erbaş A. E., Özgür E. F., Erbil T.

Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 2011 - 2013

  • Proje Türü: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 2011
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Mart 2013

Proje Özeti

The emerging strengths of Aphrodisias Ancient City in terms of the site management plan can be enumerated as its unique asset Aphrodite of Aphrodisias, the incomparable quality of the Ancient city, integrity of the artifacts and the city’s connection to the art of sculpture. Additionally, the fact that there are old handicrafts such as pottery making based on handiwork (terra sigillata) in surrounding settlements is also significant. When all these assets are considered together they reveal the significance of Aphrodisias Ancient City in the history of humanity. Along the same line, the potential for a contemporary approach to the art of sculpture and the handicraft of pottery making constitutes another positive aspect. It is important for all the assets at the site to be approached in a holistic manner, and developed in this respect in a manner to contribute to living societies. In this respect particularly efforts towards awareness raising for the community living in the region represents the other important issue regarding conservation. It is necessary to both promote the value of Aphrodisias Ancient City in common memory as a segment of human history and to ensure its contribution to the lives of people living in the region. In this respect, these assets of the site, the promotion of the site, its recognition by Turkey and world public, primarily the transmission of the heritage to the future, as well as increasing economic activity emerge as significant issues and offer various opportunities. The fact that excavation efforts at the site have been sustained for nearly forty years in an institutional manner; the local population’s love and respect for the memory of prominent figures such as Kenan Erim, Sevgi Gönül who have personally contributed significantly to the site; non governmental organizations such as Geyre Foundation and Friends of Aphrodisias devotedly supporting the efforts present very valuable opportunities for both the conservation of the site and awareness raising efforts for the local population.