Wenner-Gren Foundation, Engaged Anthropology Grant: Situating Auto Work: Engaging with Community in the Rust Belt,” 2017, Buffalo, NY

Creative Commons License

Dinçer E. M. (Yürütücü)

Diğer Uluslararası Fon Programları, 2017 - 2017

  • Proje Türü: Diğer Uluslararası Fon Programları
  • Başlama Tarihi: Haziran 2017
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ağustos 2017

Proje Özeti

In my dissertation research I explored the transformation of the auto industry across the Rust Belt after the 2008 economic recession and the bailout of the auto industry in 2009 through a shopfloor ethnography based in a GM plant in Buffalo, NY. With two separate but interrelated set of events, this engagement project aims to share findings from my fieldwork and post-field studies with i) workers and management at the plant studied, ii) local policy makers, union organizers, academics, activists, politicians and engaged citizens of Buffalo, NY. In the first part, I will organize a series of seminars for the workers and management personnel from Tonawanda Powertrain based on my fieldwork. I will then follow it with a public forum on the auto industry in Buffalo. The first discussion will include i) labor management relations in other plants in the U.S. (both union and union) ii) labor management relations in plants outside of the U.S. (with a special emphasis on Mexico because of the attention it receives in the popular media recently) iii) and the business aspect of the auto industry (including trends on new technologies). This will help workers and management personnel to contextualize their experience, to establish connections with workers and managers elsewhere and to make informed choices.